The waiting game is not one I like to play
Time passes so slowly I'm on edge every day
Waiting for the phone to ring
To hear what news those words will bring
Often I have found they're words i did not want to hear
I have a fight on my hands, that much is clear
I cannot believe sometimes this is happening to me
When four months ago everything in my life was normal you see
No hospitals, no scans no blood tests no waiting
Until I was dealt the cancer card my life was smooth sailing
Don't get me wrong I always appreciated how lucky I was
To have my health my family, my friends I had it all simply because
I always knew how quick it could be taken away
And it happened with a few words spoken to me that day
But still I feel lucky as the waiting game played out and I see
This game could of turned out a lot worse for me
Yes I have a fight on my hands this I definitely know
But now I know what I'm dealing with I know which direction to go
And throughout all this madness I can definitely say
The worst part for me was playing the waiting game day after day❤️