It will be a good day I know it will
I am happy I have a smile not a frown
The sun is bright and pounding down
Today I know I can paddle I i will try my best to swim
Today all is good I can jump straight in
The water is clear and I can see right underneath
I can see every step I take with my feet
No surprises here Im free I feel calm
I don't want anyone to come and read my palm
What tomorrow may bring could be a different story
But today I can swim in the sea and feel the sun's glory
I might swim for days and feel I'll never go under
I can do this I have to because I see all the wonder
My family my friends I am so lucky to have
Beautiful Places I have travelled and so many more ahead on this path
I will be strong I will be positive I will swim through the storm
Because these places and people are like a blanket keeping me warm
Safe from the cold and the dark choppy sea
With this blanket of love I feel covering me
Today the seas choppy I can feel it from here
I don't want to be in it the waters not clear
I will try my hardest to paddle when I get in
But today is not a day I'll be taking a swim
The water is cold the water is dark
Today's a day when I would expect to see a shark
You could throw me a ring and try and help
But today's just a day I need to be by myself
I know the rough seas never last
A calm sea will follow I've learnt from the past
Tomorrow I'll see where I'm going and be able to swim
The sea will be calm and this feeling will win.🖤
❤️ this x